On to the 5th year!

The birthday show is over now and what a show I had! It went so fast that before I knew it was over.

Thank you boyz and girlz for making it a truly memorable show. Record of emails so far and well, just hectic but wonderful. Three hours are definitely not long enough for so much good music!

Congrats to all the winners of the competition, especially Ellis who was the winner of the Dr. Blast prize….lucky thing! I will need some time to arrange for your goodies to reach you all so be patient, you’ll get them

My thanks to all the bands, labels, the website’s host company Primerelay (you guys are simply the best), the TotalRock family, the listeners and of course the one and only Yoda (life without you would be half life), all of you make the show what it is.

And now we carry on to the fifth year on air and the Sex to 9 colony keeps growing.