Sex to 9 returns to the airwaves

As you all know we’ve been getting everything ready to broadcast the show again before the end of the year.
To top it all off, TotalRock will return to broadcasting on SKY Digital from December 1st 2004 (channel 938) and they have asked me to revive the show in its original Friday slot (6 to 9 pm GMT).
I am very happy to confirm that I have accepted and that the show will return to TotalRock on Friday December 3rd (technology permitting)
It will be broadcast live from Spain…a new adventure!
This is a very exciting moment for us and although I will miss being in the TR studio I cannot wait to go back to the airwaves.
I thank you all for your support and understanding during this difficult past year, you’re truly the best.
I can finally say again:
See you on the airwaves sextoniners!